I eagerly await each new chapter in this series, there’s no question about it. The question of “when will they” is presented in a way that keeps readers coming back for more.

She has such a fantastic personality and her interactions with Hades are incredibly exciting. I absolutely adore Persephone as a character. What she does with the characters here is thoroughly amazing. And I think this is all down to Smythe’s expert artwork and storytelling.

Where I’ve always kind of been a huge fan of Apollo in my readings of Greek stories, I’m not upset at all with the way in which he is portrayed here. Ultimately, though, none of this really bothers me. Smythe does, I’ll admit, take some liberties with Greek mythology in her reimagining. Lore Olympus is quite an addicting tale, dealing with some very deep topics alongside a genuinely amazing love story. And while the story of Hades and Persephone was never one that I fell deeply in love with–I was much more fond of Eros and Psyche, much more fascinated by the tale of Narcissus–diving into this story was so much fun. But with Lore Olympus, I found an amazing story with expertly well-developed characters, an exceedingly intriguing plot, and was brilliantly well-written. While relatable, there was never really much of a story to them. Typically, before this reimagined story of Persephone and Hades, I had only ever really read webcomics that consisted of four panels and were generally just slice-of-life sorts. Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe is the very first webcomic with a genuine storyline that I’ve ever read.