
The listener robert mccammon
The listener robert mccammon

The bundle price is $49 plus shipping, and supplies are limited. We’re offering this bundle of all three books for collectors, to be shipped together, that are guaranteed to be from the first printings and are marked as such on their copyright pages. There will be a limited run of true first printings of these trade paperbacks. The bundle is heavily discounted from the combined retail price of the three books. There is also a “first printing” bundle of all three books, which will ship together in July. Hopefully, anyway.Lividian Publications is proud to be publishing three more Robert McCammon novels in trade paperback. I guess knowing that he writes like that ahead of time may help me be in the right mindset for his other books. It was more a problem of the dialogue and turns of events being extremely cheesy that were a problem (like Swan and Robin's interactions, or the sun coming out at the end). His prose in Swan Song was passable, but nothing special. Hopefully they are better, since the ideas themselves are more original. I still have a few more McCammon books in my collection to read. It was written like a dopey 90's tv show. I see a lot of people who have read both and prefer Swan Song, but I just don't see how. I think maybe if some of the characters were cut or if the similarities to The Stand weren't so prevalent, it would have been better. What's sad is, even though I was skimming, I didn't miss a beat as to what was happening, and accurately predicted most of the story. I never skim books, but I was so far along I wanted to finish it. I picked it up again the other day and took my time skimming the second half. The dialogue and story developments were a cheese-fest, which got worse as the book continued.

the listener robert mccammon the listener robert mccammon

None of the characters were particularly interesting to me, as they were such broad characters and it was clear what role everyone was going to play from the get-go. Halfway through the book, I had to put it down for an extended period of time.

the listener robert mccammon

By and large, having the forces of good gravitate towards Swan and evil characters gravitate towards Colonel Macklin or Friend was too much like what was going on in The Stand. I thought it started out pretty strong, but once the main villain (Friend) was introduced, I was bummed by how similar he was to Randall Flagg in The Stand. I was pretty stoked for this book and having a strong foray into McCammon (haven't read any of his stuff before), and I always hear about how Swan Song and Boy's Life are his best books.

The listener robert mccammon